
Charges & Fees

• Circulus contains In-App Purchases as Donations to the developer or Premium Icon Requests. Please keep in mind that In-App Purchases for Donations are not refundable. If Premium Icon Requests are not going to be fulfilled within 30 days, I will refund 50% of the cost, while still delivering icons in the next update. Icons requested via Premium Icon Request will be added only to the icon pack that user has requested for.

• Circulus contains many high quality wallpapers. Application may use your internet data heavily. Please be aware of the additional charges from Internet Data Provider or Mobile Carrier. You are responsible for all of the data fee charges.


• You are not allowed to share wallpaper (original or derivative) and/or use it for commercial purposes in any circumstance. Strictly only for personal use. Exception: If wallpaper has been applied on a device and user would like to share a screenshot of homescreen setup, it is allowed to show off wallpaper in such context with giving proper credit to wallpaper's creator.

External Services

• Circulus uses Google Play Services – a library to implement miscellaneous functions. Privacy Policy & Terms & Conditions.

• Circulus uses Google Firebase – a service to help make Circulus better. Performance tracking, analytics & crashes. User can disable this service in app settings. Privacy Policy & Terms & Conditions.


  1. First revision - 9/12/2018
  2. Second revision - 20/8/2019
  3. Third revision - 29/10/2019
  4. Fourth revision - 9/5/2020
  5. Fifth revision - 1/9/2020
  6. Sixth revision - 15/3/2021
  7. Seventh revision - 6/5/2022


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